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Bounce Before You Jump by Linda BrooksHave fun.   Feel great.   Get healthy.


Lose weight (if you need to).

Strengthen muscles.

Increase circulation.

Improve cardio-vascular health.


Gentle on the joints and the spine.

The internal organs don’t get jarred;

they bounce safely, increasing blood flow.

The muscles tense without danger

and release on the re-bound.


In the privacy of your own home . . .

Preferably in a room full of fresh air . . .

In front of a mirror . . .

On an empty stomach . . .

In stretchy body-covering . . .

Wearing flexible shoes . . .

And a sweat band!!!!


Sip natural spring water.

Linda Brooks demonstrates rebound exercise movements

Play great music

with a beat, a distinctive rhythm,

and just let your body move to the music.


Start slowly.

Work your way up gradually, carefully, consistently.

Monitor your own heartbeat,

Touch your pulse in your wrists and your neck.

Enhance your breathing;

Listen to the sound of your own breath and be sure that

full, complete breaths are entering and leaving your body.

Product Name Price Purchase
Needak Soft-Bounce FOLDING Rebounder $249.95 + $39.95 S&H
Needak Soft-Bounce NON-FOLDING Rebounder $219.95 + $39.95 S&H
Stabilizing BAR $49.95

For those weighing over 300 pounds, please order the Classic Rebounder. It has a more resilient surface to support greater weight. Prices are the same.

Needak Classic FOLDING Rebounder
$249.95 + $39.95 S&H
Needak Classic NON-FOLDING Rebounder $219.95 + $39.95 S&H


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